So many people can’t use their hands or arms the way they want to.
Our Hand Therapists provide specialised treatment that will address the problem.
This allows you to get back to using your hands properly.
There can be many reasons why you can’t use your hands or arms the way you want to. Sometimes it is because of pain. Sometimes it is because the tissues are not doing their job. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. Sometimes it is coordination. We specialise in the whole arm because there are so many things that can go wrong. We believe that not being able to use your arm and hand the way you want affects your whole life. That is why we have a solution for everything.
“It is just a little finger injury. I can’t believe how annoying it is! It is affecting everything I do - from going to the toilet to caring for my daughter to doing my work.”
Conditions We Treat
We treat all hand and arm conditions for all ages. This includes:
Orthopaedic Trauma including:
Fractures / Broken bones – pre-surgical/post surgical and conservative management
Post joint replacement surgery to the fingers/wrist/elbow
Shoulder injuries
Over-use syndromes including:
Medial Epicondylagia (Golfers Elbow)
De Quervain’s Disease
Trigger Finger
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Soft Tissue Trauma including:
Tendon Repairs
Skin grafting
Muscle flaps
Contracture release
Dupuytren’s Release
Neurological Conditions
Congenital Conditions including:
Radial Club Deformities
Carpal Boss
Pain – including Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Ganglion – conservative and post operative
Joint instability